We have the facility, equipment, and experience to service your equine veterinary needs.

Ranch Calls

Just because we have a new, state of the art veterinary facility doesn’t mean that we have forgotten our roots. We still offer the option of a ranch/farm call to assist our clients who have too many to haul or no means of hauling a horse. Please call our office to schedule your ranch/farm call.

Drop Offs

We realize that some people have very busy schedules and can’t make appointments during regular business hours due to work obligations. One benefit to having such a large facility, is that we have room to keep your horse during the day and look at him/her in between other appointments. You will be able to drop your horse off the day/evening before or before heading to work in the morning. This allows us the time that we need to spend with your horse in order to address your concerns. You can call during the day, and get updates on your horse as well as settle up the bill; which then allows you to likewise pick your horse up after hours.

Lameness Exams

One of the more difficult aspects of equine veterinary medicine is the evaluation and treatment of conditions causing some degree of lameness. Since a horse is unable to tell us “where it hurts”, sometimes we have to be horse detectives, trying to solve the mystery of where a horse is experiencing pain. This is where cutting edge technology, a discerning eye, and years of experience come into play. This is also where strong communication between horse, rider, and veterinarian becomes paramount. When performing a lameness exam, we want as much information as you can provide. We want to know what the horse feels like when being ridden. How it affects their performance. If videos of their performance are available, they are always helpful. We want to know how they respond to treatments. As far as diagnostics are concerned, we have all the bells and whistles that are necessary. However, all the bells and whistles in the world are nothing without the seasoned hand of a horseman and accurate communication between all parties involved.


There is a wide variety of equine surgical procedures that may be necessary for your horse. These procedures range from soft tissue surgeries to more specialized ones such as orthopedic surgeries. We practice the highest level of medicine and care, so you can rest assured that your horse is in good hands with our surgical team. Our surgical suite and recovery room is second to none. We are proud to have an experienced and knowledgeable team that is trained to provide your horse with the best care possible.


Since horses have different vaccination needs, depending on where they live, if they travel, and what they do, we recommend discussing your horse’s vaccination schedule with us. Together we can start a schedule that will work for you and your new horse. Horses typically don’t get vaccinations until they are several months old, depending on their needs. Some vaccinations are started at four months old and need to be boostered three to four weeks later. Some vaccinations are not given until a horse is five to six months old. Most of these also need to be boostered three to four weeks later.


We are proud to offer equine dentistry and provide care for your horse’s entire oral cavity. A horse’s teeth and jaw function are vital to their overall well being, so dental care is an important part of your horse’s health. We provide floating for horses as well as a range of routine to advanced services. Proper dental care will ensure that your horse’s teeth are not causing discomfort, pain, or other potential health issues.


We are proud to offer equine reproductive services, provided by a knowledgeable and experienced staff. We offer a range of reproductive services, and utilize state of the art technology to ensure the health of your horse. Some of the services we provide include fertility services, embryo transfer, as well as artificial insemination. In addition, we are set up to foal out mares. If you have any questions about our breeding services or how we may assist you with your reproductive needs, don’t hesitate to contact us at your convenience.


We know that emergencies happen and usually at the worst time. Don’t worry! We are here for you no matter what time it is. We are here for you during our regular business hours, and we also have a veterinarian on call if the need is after hours care. It is our goal to get your horse feeling better as quickly as possible, and we will do everything we can to help. Our veterinarians are dedicated to your horse. After a thorough examination, we will go over your options for diagnosing and treating your horse so that he or she can get back to normal quickly. We will then do everything we can to make sure that your horse feels better as soon as possible.

Please contact us today if you have any questions or would like to learn more about how we care for your horse.